I will be in Florida!! I absolutely cannot wait to get away from this cold fall weather and go to the beach! We're going to do so much fun stuff. First, we are going to see Breaking Dawn! I know, I know, we're losers, but at this point we've committed to the first 3 movies and we have to see it to the end. I'll admit it, I love Edward Cullen (but not in the creepy tween- I'm going to tape pictures of him on my wall-kind of way). Then we are going to Busch Gardens and we're going to ride so many coasters and see some sweet safari animals. I'm also pretty pumped because Lauren's lovely friend Karla and her man friend are coming! Saturday night I'm going to make some delicious Cajun pasta and Lauren is going to make some fabulous dessert (don't worry we'll document it with some pictures). I also am ridiculously excited to be reunited with Rommel Rufus! I just hope he wears his Christmas sweater for me:
WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! talked to cat mom tonight.....it was a quality convo, I'll fill you in later, don't worry.